About Our Organization


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Character Counts Kent County is a longstanding member of the National Character Counts Coalition, a group of 850 member organizations who facilitate the Character Counts program. The Character Counts Program, developed by the Josephson Institute in 1993, is the most widely implemented approach to character education, reaching millions of youth.

CCKC facilitates the teaching of the Character Counts Program in local schools and throughout the community; reaching approximately 2,200 students at an average cost of $20 per student each year.

As a nonpartisan and nonsectarian nonprofit organization, Character Counts Kent County is funded by individual donations, the support of local businesses and fundraising events. CCKC began as an independent organization in 2006. A volunteer Advisory Board of local professionals guides the organization’s operations and directives. Under the management of the Executive Director, over 130 volunteers participate each week in implementing the CCKC Character Education program.

For more information on CCKC, please feel free to contact us.