Chestertown Spy Interview with Executive Director Mrs. Madhu Sidhu

DSC_0024The Chestertown Spy interviewed CC!KC Executive Director, Mrs. Madhu Sidhu this week, in “Five Question for Character Counts! Directer Madhu Sidhu”.

Madhu spoke from the heart about the popularity of the upcoming Turkey Trail Trot for Character event. The root of our success, she says is in the cause, “our community has wholeheartedly embraced CC!KC and our goals of character education.”

It is evident to us that the community wants to participate and wants to be involved in supporting the CC!KC cause and we can see that in the number of people who have signed up to volunteer and registered to run or walk.

On everyone’s mind for the event, will anyone be able to run faster than last years event winning runner Steve Wheeler? 

To see the full interview, click here.

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